Queensland Feline Association Inc. (QFA) was founded in 1975 and is one of the largest recognised cat registering associations in Queensland. QFA is proud to be a member body of the Australian Cat Federation Inc.
QFA has a fully computerised system of record keeping and therefore offers breeders fast and accurate services of the highest possible quality. Forms can be downloaded from the Forms page.
As a governing body, QFA offers its Clubs and breeders advice and guidance where possible. The Council of QFA, which consists of the QFA Executive and Club appointed Delegates, meets monthly to discuss and deliberate on necessary general business and any current issues affecting Clubs, breeders, exhibitors and the wider cat fancy. QFA and its affiliated Clubs run championship cat shows throughout the year and are active in the promotion of the cat fancy in general. QFA is a not-for-profit organisation.
QFA has a panel of licensed Judges all of whom have both interstate and international judging experience.
Breeders registered with QFA are required to adhere to the Breeders Code of Ethics which includes that all pet kittens and retired breeding cats must be desexed before going to their new homes.
QFA Inc recognises the generous support of OzPet as our exclusive litter sponsor and Royal Canin as our exclusive food sponsor.
QFA Inc. promotes responsible cat ownership, including the microchipping of all cats and the desexing of cats sold as pets
QFA Inc has a CODE OF CONDUCT which covers all exhibitors at shows, executive committee, club delegates, club members and registered breeders.
It also covers Social Media use.
The Code of Conduct document can be found on the Regulations and By-Laws page, under the Breeder Info tab on the Home Page.