best of breed awards

Best of Breed Progress 2024

Last updated 2024-09-29 21:01:46

BreedCats NameOwnerPointsComment
AbyssinianAllerbeste Ed SheeranM & S Shawn20Qualified
 Swift Jewel in the CrownM & G Clignett11Qualified
American ShorthairFrascott Roll The DiceC Pryke12Needs 1 BOB
Australian MistSilverado Phoenix RisingD Marsh14Qualified
BengalCatempire Lady Fallon DiarmaidC Pruss30Qualified
 Jazzapurrs Mr Bleu GenesS & J Haskins21Qualified
 Tigerpaws ZeusJ Aspromourgos10Needs 1 BOB
British ShorthairAzureblue Tedde BearA Welsh19Needs 1 BOB
BurmeseBelshogar Argyle DiamondM Thistlewaite77Qualified
 Riokay Cougar ExpressB LaRocca51Qualified
 Belshogar A Sprinkle of TwinkleM Thistlewaite20Needs 1 BOB
Burmilla ShorthairMiamber King of ThievesC Dyett17Qualified
Cornish RexAwayfarr To Hot To TouchH Farraway21Needs 1 BOB
MandalayBahati I Kissed a GirlC Dyett37Qualified
 Bahati Michelin StarC Dyett18Needs 1 BOB
 Bahati Island GirlC Dyett9Qualified
OrientalPunchie Blak MajicJ McConnell17Needs 1 BOB
 Hareem SnapdragonE Gilbert7Needs 1 BOB
RussianBabushkablue Mr ParisA Welsh58Qualified
 Babushkablue ArchimedesJ Gowen27Needs 1 BOB
 Golash Czarinas Silver PearlJ Probst23Qualified
 Babushkablue Marlon BrandoL Du Vallier13Needs 1 BOB
Scottish FoldBirchfield SapphineJ Gablonski10Qualified
SiameseJesseniah KallyahL McInnes64Qualified
 Jesseniah Oscarh ValorenttiM Brown27Needs 1 BOB
SphynxFurrkin Just Grin and Bare ItS White23Needs 1 BOB
 Manis Pure DivaS Henriksen & R McGregor12Needs 1 BOB
 Manis Kissed By MoonlightS Henriksen & R McGregor8Needs 1 BOB
TonkineseAwisker LycheeC Wise26Qualified
 Aztec MookooS Wise14Needs 1 BOB