QFA Inc makes no representation or warranties with respect to the breeding or business practices of any of the persons included on the Breeders List.
QFA strongly recommend that transactions with breeders be undertaken with the same caution and due dilligence as one would devote to any important business matter.
From time to time breeders and other parties refer to the Queensland Feline Association Inc matters in which it is not appropriate for us to become involved. Disputes between buyers and sellers of cats are private matters to be determined by the contractual arrangements between the parties. We recommend parties who cannot resolve matters personally, contact the Office of Fair Trading for appropriate advice. Queensland Feline Association Inc can only consider and advise on matters that clearly fall within its Breeders Code of Ethics.
1. After making contact with the breeder you intend visiting make an appointment convenient for both parties. If you are buying from a breeder from interstate ask if they are able to send you a photo of the kitten by email.
2. Always ask the breeder which Cat Registering body they are registered with(In Queensland there are four registering cat councils).
3. When you arrive to view the kittens be aware of the standard of cleanliness of the environment, the litter boxes and the general health and well being of the kittens.
4. Healthy kittens will be bright eyed, have clean coats and be free of fleas and flea dirt. Longhaired cats should not have knots in their coats and shorthaired cats’ coats should generally be lying sleek except in some breeds where they have a much denser coat. Ears should be clean and kittens should not be shaking their heads and rubbing at their ears. Kittens should not have bloated tummies and will usually be moving about once they become accustomed to your presence. A healthy kitten will have no unpleasant odour.
5. The kittens should be well socialised, meaning that they should not dislike being handled by human beings as long as this is done respectfully. Always ask the breeder if you can handle the kittens.
6. Ask to see the mother (queen/dam) of the kittens as well as the father (sire). Sometimes it is not possible to see the sire as queen/dam may have been sent to a stud owned by another breeder.
7. Ask lots of questions –
- What date were they born?
- How old are they now?
- At what age do they go to their new homes?
- When do they have their first vaccination?
- Depending on their age – what are they eating now – and what diet will they be on when they are ready to go to their new home?
- Does the breeder provide a Diet and Care Sheet for the care of the kitten? This sheet should give details as to what and when to feed your kitten such information as brands of tinned food, raw meats, brands of dry food (biscuits) being fed, litter trays, brand of litter, type of grooming tools, when to worm your kitten etc.
- The breeder should also provide you with detailed information on the grooming of your kittens coat (especially if it is a semi-longhaired or longhaired kitten). Information should include types of combs, brushes, shampoos and conditioners etc.
- What brand and type of litter are/will they be using?
- Will the kitten have a 2nd vaccination before being collected?
- Will the kitten be desexed prior to being collected?
- Will the stitches be removed if it is a and desexed prior to collection?
- Do we need to leave a deposit?
8. If you are required to leave a deposit (which is quite understandable and will usually be a minimum of 20-25%) then request a fully detailed receipt with the following information –
- Total amount payable for the kitten
- Deposit amount
- Balance on pick up.
- Full name of the sire and the queen (parents of the kitten)
- Details as to breed, colour, and sex of kitten
- Details of any vaccinations, micro-chipping, desexing or other inclusions and the date the kitten can be picked up.
- If you are buying a kitten as a family pet you will no doubt be paying a smaller price for it than you would if you were buying a ‘breeding’ cat. Make sure this is clear on the receipt as well.
9. Ask if you get a copy of the pedigree of the kitten when you collect it to take it home together with the vaccination certificates (you should make sure you have the vaccination certificate). Breeders are quite within their rights not to transfer the registration and pedigree of a kitten into the buyers name until the kitten has been desexed, if this has been agreed to during your discussions and if the kitten has been bought as ‘pet only’. This does not apply if the kitten is desexed prior to collection. If the kitten is bought as a pet then you may be required to produce a copy of the Veterinary certificate of ‘Sterilization’ before the ‘papers’ are transferred into your name.
10. Breeders who register with us are required under our Code of Ethics to have all kittens vet checked prior to going to their new homes.
11. Once you have paid a deposit ask the breeder if you can have your copy of the diet and care sheet so that you are well prepared with the supplies you need when you take your new family member home.
- Keep any correspondence you have with the breeder so that you know exactly what has transpired if there should be any dispute between you and the breeder.
- Remember if you have agreed to collect the kitten on a certain day it is your responsibility to be in touch with the breeder to confirm or change the arrangements to a convenient time to collect the kitten. If you do not make contact with the breeder then the breeder would reserve the right to re-sell the kitten after the collection date once they have tried to contact you on a number of occasions.
12. It is now Queensland State Law that all kittens and cats must be microchipped, whether being sold leased, given away this includes all types of rehoming.
Then should you have any unanswered questions or concerns regarding the purchase of your kitten (anything you are unsure of) please contact the QFA Secretary (secretary@qfeline.com) or any other member of our Executive.
The AWL of Qld have a DVD which can be viewed at their website www.awlqld.com.au go to the Owner Help For Cat and Kitten Owners and you can play the DVD which will give you tips on introducing your new pet into your home and also on grooming, feeding and general care and understanding your new companion cat.